Exhibition activity

This page showcases Julia's exhibitions, focusing on conceptual art that explores emotions and psychoanalytical psychology through advanced mathematics. You can find details of her solo, group, and global exhibitions, along with catalogues she has compiled. Julia has organized around 10 exhibitions, including three global projects where she served as curator and artist.

Global Exhibitions
Group Exhibitions
2024 «Echoes of Family Relations 2024», installation titled «Identification», KC Dorćol, Belgrade, Serbia. Check the link
2024 «The Choice of Art Bureau 15», photographs with alternative printing titled «Moscow» and «One life story...», KC Dorćol, Belgrade, Serbia. Check the link
2023 «Go to The Next Level», installation titled «Migrant», Cumicevo sokace, Belgrade, Serbia. Check the link
2023 «The Skin of Time», video installation titled «Inscrutable ways», KC Magacin Ostavinska, Belgrade, Serbia. Check the link
2022 – «Humgat», video and sculpture installation titled «Luby», Cube, Moscow, Russia. Check the link
2022 – «Transformation», video installation titled «Inscrutable ways», Winzavod, Moscow, Russia. Check the link
2022 – «Fairy tales about tomorrow», performance «Nothing will be changed tomorrow», Moscow, Russia. Check the link
2022 – «Ontology», film «A little bit about vital», Artplay, Moscow, Russia. Check the link
2022 – «Here and now», installation «Destruction and resurrection», Artplay, Moscow, Russia
2021 – «Personal and social», installation «Mirror of a compulsive overeating disorder», Artplay, Moscow, Russia
2024 «Echoes of Family Relations 2024», installation titled «Identification», KC Dorćol, Belgrade, Serbia. Check the link

2024 «The Choice of Art Bureau 15», photographs with alternative printing titled «Moscow» and «One life story...», KC Dorćol, Belgrade, Serbia. Check the link

2023 «Go to The Next Level», installation titled «Migrant», Cumicevo sokace, Belgrade, Serbia. Check the link

2023 «The Skin of Time», video installation titled «Inscrutable ways», KC Magacin Ostavinska, Belgrade, Serbia. Check the link

2022 – «Humgat», video and sculpture installation titled «Luby», Cube, Moscow, Russia. Check the link

2022 – «Transformation», video installation titled «Inscrutable ways», Winzavod, Moscow, Russia. Check the link

2022 – «Fairy tales about tomorrow», performance «Nothing will be changed tomorrow», Moscow, Russia. Check the link

2022 – «Ontology», film «A little bit about vital», Artplay, Moscow, Russia. Check the link

2022 – «Here and now», installation «Destruction and resurrection», Artplay, Moscow, Russia

2021 – «Personal and social», installation «Mirror of a compulsive overeating disorder», Artplay, Moscow, Russia
Personal Catalogs of Exhibitions
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