23-30 of September, 2023
Belgrade, Čumićevo sokače
close to cafe Princ

Contemporary art open-air exhibition
In a constantly changing world we are faced with the need to adapt ourselves to new conditions or adapt reality to suit ourselves. This two-way process leads to the transformation of the human individuals, society, nature and reality itself. Adaptability, as a key quality of living organisms, their ability to cope with environmental challenges by changing themselves, became the central theme of the exhibition. The arts, installations, compositions and lectures of these participants will be presented
at the exhibition "Go to The Next Level".
Experience is not what happens to us; it is what we do with what happens to us. The journey from birth to death can be described as a chain of different events. Not always welcome, not always predictable. And it's precisely how we react to them that defines who we are.

The same circumstances can either break us or help us ascend to a new level. This process can be daunting and painful. This exhibition is intended to help people look at their inner processes from an external perspective. To show that on this path, they are not alone. And at the very least, all the artists in this exhibition are ready to share this with the audience.

Many events in our lives are expected and predictable. Birth, daycare or school, career choices, stepping into independent life. But each of these is that very transition to a new level—only if we realize it ourselves and choose an active role in taking these steps.

Birth is the moment when we are thrust into the world. We cry, we are scared, but we learn to breathe and calm down as we inhale. First steps and words mark the beginning of our assimilation into it. Falling and getting up, we try to learn to walk. Trying to speak, we attempt to articulate our desires and dislikes not through crying and tears.

Daycare and school are our first contacts with a society we didn't choose, and the beginning of finding ourselves in it. Some find friends there, while others may stutter. Choosing a career is defining the role we will play in this society, temporarily or for a lifetime, depending on internal aspirations and resources. Stepping into independent life means taking full responsibility for ourselves, our present, and our future.

And beyond that, there are even more milestones, each of which we pass and perceive differently. Marriage, the birth of children, the loss of parents, changing jobs or careers, moving to a new country, or even a different part of the world. We move from level to level, sometimes intentionally, sometimes out of necessity. And on this path, we are constantly changing.

This exhibition is a vast portal of transition. A place where we share our personal experiences of moving to new levels in our lives. Our emotions, fears, experiences, and infatuations. And through them, we come to understand ourselves and our place in the world.

The arts, installations, compositions and lectures of these participants will be presented at the exhibition "Go to The Next Level". Participants can be contacted via the contact link below.
  • Alya Segova
    Contemporary Artist, Belgrade
  • Danil Yakovlev
    Contemporary Artist, Belgrade
  • Daria Pronina
    Contemporary Artist, Belgrade
  • Eugenia Ignatova
    Contemporary Artist, Belgrade
  • Gala Mashanova
    Contemporary Artist, Belgrade
  • Jenny Gorokhova
    Contemporary Artist, Belgrade
  • Julia Shlenskaya
    Art Producer and Conceptual Artist, Belgrade
  • Katia Ablamskaya
    Contemporary Artist, Belgrade
  • Marija Djuricic
    Contemporary Artist, Belgrade
  • Marfa Mart
    Contemporary Artist, Belgrade
  • Olga Pal
    Contemporary Artist, Belgrade
We express special thanks to the invited specialists who participated in exhibition events.
  • Alexander Dunaev
    Guitar Player, Performer, Belgrade
  • Anastasiya Vlasova
    Сreator Collages and Flowers Arts, Belgrade
  • Angelina Gribachevskaya
    Violin Performer, Belgrade
  • Anna Genba
    Art Mediator, Belgrade
  • Denis Veps

    Theatre Director, Belgrade

  • Ilia Seletskii
    Performance Artist, Belgrade
  • Iurii Bulavin

    Composer-improviser, Belgrade

  • Kota Davudova
    Performance Artist, Witch, Belgrade
  • Nata Istomina

    Design Interior, Belgrade

  • Natalia Borutskaya
    Vocal Teacher, Actress, Belgrade
  • Nu Simakina
    Performance Artist, Belgrade
  • Sasha Galianov
    Electronic music & Voice, Belgrade
  • Segrei Khramtcevich
    Baritone, alto, soprano saxophones performer, Belgrade
  • Sharly Kornitskaya
    Dance Artist, Belgrade
  • Varvara Vasileva
    Singer, Belgrade
  • Yulia Graut
    Actress, Belgrade
We would like to introduce you to the individuals who have made this exhibition possible.
  • Julia Shlenskaya
    Art Producer and Curator
    The product owner
  • Axinya R
    Curator Assistant
    Curator assistant, Moscow
  • Anna Genba
    Art Mediator
    Art Historian, Belgrade
  • Anna Lysko
    Community Manager
    Community Manager, Belgrade
  • Anastasiya Williams
    Translator, RUS-ENG
  • Mikhail Efimov
    Translator, RUS-SERB
  • Sara Krstić
    Translator, RUS-SERB
We will start: 23 of September at 19:00
We will finish: 30 of September at 22:00
Opening time: 12:00 - 22:00

*Visiting the exhibition and any events during the exhibition for donations.
23 of September
Exhibition opening
Opening speech: Julia Shlenskaya & Anna Genba
Music, welcome bar

Go to The Next Level
Exhibition tour with Art Mediator Anna Genba

Performance "Живы(е)ли" 16+
By Nu Simakina & Kota Davudova
24 of September
Go to The Next Level
Exhibition tour with Art Mediator Anna Genba

Workshop "Сreating Collages Arts"
By Anastasiya Vlasova

Performance "White Canvas"
By Sharly Kornitskaya

Theatre play "Universe on the parapet"
Autor and Director — Denis Veps
Main Actors: Julia Graut, Denis Veps

25 of September
Go to The Next Level
Exhibition tour with Art Mediator Anna Genba

Vocal training "I sing. I sound. I breathe."
By Natalia Borutskaya

Workshop "Dance with space and art"
By Sharly Kornitskaya
26 of September
Go to The Next Level
Exhibition tour with Art Mediator Anna Genba

Violin & Poetry
Recital of musician and poet Angelina Gribachevskaya
27 of September
Go to The Next Level
Exhibition tour with Art Mediator Anna Genba
28 of September
Workshop "Conversation with the City"
By Nata Istomina

Lecture-Discussion "Creating a Homey Atmosphere in a Rental Apartment"
By Nata Istomina

Artist's hours
with Ceramist and Сontemporary artist Olga Pal
Event language: English, Serbian, Russian

Musical concert
By Singer Varvara Vasileva & Guitar Player Alexander Dunaev

Violin & Poetry
Recital of musician and poet Angelina Gribachevskaya

Go to The Next Level
Exhibition tour with Art Mediator Anna Genba
29 of September
Go to The Next Level
Exhibition tour with Art Mediator Anna Genba


Work-shop "Сreating Flowers Arts"
By Anastasiya Vlasova


Piano concert featuring original music
By Composer Iurii Bulavin


Recital of musician Segrei Khramtcevich

Go to The Next Level
Exhibition tour with Art Mediator Anna Genba
30 of September
Site specific performance
By Ilia Seletskii

Performance "To be Creator"
By Maria Djuricic

Exhibition closing party
Closing speech: Julia Shlenskaya & Anna Genba
Music, welcome bar

Go to The Next Level
Exhibition tour with Art Mediator Anna Genba

Performance «Kyrie eleison», “Господи помилуй”
By Sasha Galianov

Exhibition closing
If you'd like to be kept up to date on new events we plan to organize, stay tuned! You have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to contact, we are open to any collaborations and suggestions.

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